Monday, July 20, 2009

Post, the first

Well, after much consideration, ponderation, wondering, and worrying, we created a blog. Well, actually, it was more like me saying, "Kaylon, should we make a blog?" And since no audible refusal was given, I commenced. I would like to thank Seth and Elizabeth for their inspiration, as well as Ammon & Sarah, Sandy & Jared, Stacy & Jared, Derrick & Erin, and everyone else in the world that has a blog. I think even Ginger might have one......

There is not much to say this first time around, so we'll just say hello to all of our fellow bloggers, and bid you farewell until next time!


  1. Hooray! I'm so glad you started a blog! I'll have to get your e-mail so I can send you an invite for mine! It was so nice to see you guys at Katie's wedding! We have to take a camping trip or do something fun like that together before it gets too cold or snowy!

  2. We would have commented sooner but we didn't even know you had a blog. We're glad to see you're finally getting into the "blogoshpere." We look forward to hearing about all the exciting things you're doing. Are you all set for the new school year? Sarah is still waiting for a phone call.

  3. Oh, and one tip. If you want people to check your blog you have to post more than once every three weeks. Never mind we haven't posted for over a month.

  4. When is Post, the Second?

    I don't even know where you live!

    Love, Cami
