Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pregnant One at about 6 months

Hello again!  We are hardly ever on here, but there have been some big changes since we last posted, so we figured we should probably update this a little bit!  We particularly wanted to post some pictures of the Pregnant One, and what our cute little nursery looks like!
Pregnant one at full term!
This is on one of the walls in the nursery.  The middle part
is the old cupboard off our bathroom vanity painted in chalkboard
paint.  The other frames are mod-podged scrapbook paper with
pictures of all our baby's grandparents.
Here's the crib with a vinyl tree on the one side, a picture of
Christ surrounded by children above, and the window (notice
the little blue bird above the window!) on the other side.
Baby's room view from door.